In the call for proposals for cooperation projects, a new category will be added – medium-sized projects. The co-financing rates offered by Creative Europe will also become more favourable.
Support will be given to collaborative projects that contribute to the following objectives:
In addition, priority will be given to projects addressing at least one of the following priorities:
Book sector: strengthen the capacity of professionals in the book sector to sell translations or rights in order to increase the circulation of European literary works, especially those written in lesser-used languages, in Europe and beyond.
Music sector : Building on the experience of 2018-2020 and taking into account the effects of the pandemic, the aim is to strengthen the capacity of music professionals in the following:
(1) the creation, promotion, distribution and monetisation of music to help the sector to implement new digital, legal and technical trends, in particular as a result of market innovations and new business models,
2) Cross-border distribution of European music and music exports outside the EU.
Architecture: Strengthen the capacity of European architects to:
1) communication and co-creation during the planning, planning and construction phases with citizens and relevant stakeholders
2) Integrating the European Green Deal and in particular the New European Bauhaus principles into practice
3) the internationalisation of careers in Europe and beyond.
Cultural heritage sector: to strengthen the capacity of cultural heritage professionals in:
(1) involving citizens in the interpretation, communication and promotion of cultural heritage in order to develop relationships with audiences and stakeholders, taking into account evolving technological and digital methods of delivering content and archived outputs and lessons learned from being stuck due to COVID-19;
(2) digitisation of cultural heritage material, landmarks and historic buildings, including the use of 3D and artificial intelligence technologies;
(3) Risk management of cultural heritage with a focus on prevention of and preparedness for natural and non-natural hazards, including climate change adaptation and mitigation in line with the principles of the European Green Deal.
Who can apply?
Culture Moves Europe pakub liikuvustoetusi kunstnikele ja kultuuriprofessionaalidele kõigis 40 Euroopa loovuse riigis. See hõlmab arhitektuuri, kultuuripärandit, disaini ja moedisaini, kirjandust, muusikat, etenduskunste ja visuaalkunsti valdkondi. Kava järgib edukat i-Portunuse pilootprojekti, mis toimus aastatel 2018 kuni 2022.
21 miljoni euro suuruse eelarvega pakub Kultuur liigub Euroopas liikuvustoetusi ligikaudu 7000 kunstnikule, kultuuriprofessionaalile ja võõrustavatele organisatsioonidele aastatel 2022 kuni 2025. Euroopa Liidu loovprogrammi rahastatud Kultuur liigub Euroopas viiakse ellu Goethe Instituudi poolt.
Kaks tüüpi toetusiKava koosneb kahest tegevusliinist: individuaalne liikuvus (üksikisikutele ja kuni viiele inimesele) ning residentuurid.
Support measures in the field of publishing have been fully reviewed and are now compatible with the sector-specific approach.
The translation of books is encouraged by 2-year contracts and 3-year framework contracts.
As a novelty, publishers will be given the opportunity to form consortia among themselves so that even smaller publishers can complete the number of books needed to receive support. Advertising of books is also important in the projects, and bookstores can also be involved in this. This approach supports the entire ecosystem of the publishing industry.
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Platforms and networks have proven to be success stories of the Creative Europe programme and have made a major contribution to the development of participants' knowledge and skills.
Only two calls for proposals are planned for the networks during the funding period, the first of which, a round of 3-year grant agreements, should be announced quickly in order to avoid disruptions in their activities. A second call for applications is planned to be announced in 2023. It offers 4-year grant agreements until the end of the programme's funding period.
The first call for applications for platforms offering 4-year grant agreements will be announced in the first half of 2021. In 2024, a second call will be launched, offering three-year grant agreements until the end of the programme.