Seven Estonian architectural objects have been nominated for the Mies Prize
The EU Mies Award, the European Prize for Contemporary Architecture, unveiled this year's nominees, which have included seven ...
Kandideerida saavad kõigi loomevaldkondade esindajad. Avaldusi saab esitada jooksvalt.
🗓️2. oktoober 2023 – 31. mai 2024
Kandideerida saavad vähemalt 18-aastased Loov Euroopa programmis osalevas riigis (sealhulgas ülemeremaades ja -territooriumides ning ELi äärepoolseimates piirkondades) seaduslikult elavad kunstnikud või kultuuritöötajad, kes tegutsevad kultuuri- ja loomesektorites ja kellel on rahvusvaheline partner, kellega koos oma kultuuriprojekti kallal töötada.
Ukrainas seaduslikult elavatel taotlejatel on erandkorras võimalus taotleda otse virtuaalse mobiilsuse stipendiumi.
Kandideeri SIIN
Creative European Culture aims to foster artistic and cultural cooperation at European level in order to support the creation of European works and to strengthen the economic, social and external dimensions of Europe's cultural and creative sectors, as well as innovation and mobility.
It is a pleasure to note that the volume of funding for Creative Europe 2021-2027 has increased significantly - the total budget is ca 2.5 billion EUR.
Co-finances projects in international cooperation, networking, mobility and internationalisation, for example through residency programmes, tours, events, exhibitions and festivals.
The most important changes in the new 2021-2027 period in the CULTURE support programme:
It is important to note that, as horizontal issues, the new programming period attaches great importance to social inclusion and environmental sustainability. Useful references for further reflection on these topics: