
Support options

Industry@Tallinn&Baltic Event, foto Janis Kokk

Creative Europe 2021 - 2027

Support measures and guidelines for the rounds of the new Creative Europe MEDIA programme (2021-2027) are still being prepared, but the basic structure is already known. The programme is divided into three large clusters, under which you can see the numbered planned calls for proposals. All these calls for proposals are planned to open in 2020. 


  1. Development grant/European Co-Development
  2. Package support / European Slate Development
  3. Mini-paketioetus / European Mini Slate Development
  4. TV & Online av-content / TV & Online Audiovisual content


  1. Training/Talent & Skills (formerly Training)
  2. Film Markets & Networks / Market & Networking
  3. European Film Distribution/European Film Distribution
  4. Euroopa filmide müük / European Film Sales
  5. Innovative tools and business models / Innovative Tools and Business models
  6. MEDIA stendid / MEDIA Stands


  1. Europa Cinemas Kinovõrgustikud / Networks of European Cinemas
  2. Film festivals / European Filmfestivals
  3. VOD operaatorid / Network of European VOD Operators
  4. Films on the Move
  5. Subtitreerimine / Subtitling of Cultural Content
  6. Audience Engagement and Film Education / Audience Development and Film Education