Dokumentalistika loeng ja case study


3. oktoobril toimub BFMis dokumentalistikaloeng, mis keskendub dokumentaalfilmide turundusele ja levile. Oma kogemusi jagab kauaaegne müügiagent ja produtsent Gitte Hansen (Schveits). Lisaks tutvustavad Katri Rannastu, Joosep Matjus (Wildkino, Eesti) ja Claudia Zenkert (SEETREE, Saksamaa) oma peagi tootmisse minevat rahvusvahelist dokiprojekti "Ellujääja". Tegemist on suure eelarvelise ja ambitsioonika loodusfilmiga, mille ebatraditsiooniline meeskonnatöö, rahastusmudelid ja unikaalne loojutustamine võiks olla inspiratsiooniks teistele. "Ellujääja" filmiprojektile eraldati Loov Euroopa MEDIA programmist co-development toetus 2022. aasta voorust.

Kõik oodatud kuulama!
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Tallinn University, Narva mnt 27
VITA building (through NOVA), Room V407

Tuesday October 3, 2023
at 15 - 17 PM

Documentary Development: How and When to Go International?

It's never too early to start thinking about marketing and distribution of the film, but in reality it's often done way too late.
Where should you start with going international? Finding a co-producer, a sales agent, working on TV pre-sales and VOD. How can you maximise your opportunities when going international with the documentary project from development stage onward?
Hands-on advice is offered by GITTE HANSEN, an experienced documentary sales agent and executive producer, who shares her experience about documentary development and production in general, emphasising marketing and distribution aspects, especially during the early stages of the project.

Keynote speech is followed by case study on ambitious international blue-chip wild wildlife documentary “PATHFINDER” (GER, SWE, EST), presented by co-producers CLAUDIA ZENKERT (SEETREE, Germany) and KATRI RANNASTU (Wildkino, Estonia). The Wrap-up dicussion with speakers and Q&A is moderated by Filipp Kruusvall.

14.45 Welcome coffee

15:00 - 15.45 Key-note by Gitte Hansen

15:45 - 16:10 Case study “Pathfinder” by Claudia Zenkert and Katri Rannastu

16:10 - 16. 30 Discussion moderated by Filipp Kruusvall

16:30 - 17:00 Networking with the glass of wine

Organized by Estonian Documentary Guild, Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Estonia and Training Programme Ice & Fire Docs.

Please register by September 28th


Gitte is independent film consultant in the int. documentary field with focus on development, production, financing and distribution of films with international potential. Gitte is currently committed mentor for the co-production training-scheme Close-Up, as well as CineDoc and Finnish AVEK’s Development Lab. In addition, she serves at institutes, events, companies and organizations as mentor, tutor, or consultant. She works with production companies as individual consultant with a background as executive producer of more than 20 international documentaries and series for First Hand Films, where she was deputy director and headed sales and acquisitions for many years. Gitte holds a Master of Film & Rhetoric from the University of Copenhagen.


SEETREE is the production company of the multiple award-winning executive producer Claudia Zenkert. The company focuses on international co-productions and finding unique stories – developing their highest potential in full media concepts. Founded in 2021, SEETREE works across all genres and media outlets, and the pilot episode of its first kids/nature edutainment format Maddie’s Urban Jungles launched successfully on YouTube in September 2022 (produced for YouTube Originals). The company is always trying to push the boundaries evolving the industry’s standards. All of SEETREE’s productions are sustainably produced, living the highest environmental standards, and using CO2-Footprint offset measures through Albert.

Managing Director and Executive Producer Claudia Zenkert, who holds a doctorate in molecular biology, is responsible for the development and financing of over twelve projects, including several international series and five-parters, such as The Borderless Sky (ZDF/arte, Universum Film), Rewilding (Blue Ant Media, Smithsonian Channel), the NHK Science Panda-award-winning Naked Mole Rat (ZDF/arte, Smithsonian Channel, National Geographic Channels International) and the award-winning Mystery in Yellowstone (WDR, Arte France, Smithsonian Channel).


Wildkino is an award-winning Independent Estonian production company. The company was founded in 2015 by multiple-award-winning director/cinematographer Joosep Matjus, and producer/editor Katri Rannastu. Wildkino focuses on national and international creative feature documentaries, as well as nature and wildlife films.

Wildkino’s first nature documentary The Wind Sculpted Land (2018), was one of the most successful box-office documentaries in Estonia. Since then, the company did extensive camera work for award-winning films such as the 3-parter Wild Scandinavia (2011, NDR Naturfilm etc.), the Yellowstone and Yosemite episode of the six-parter America’s National Parks (2015, NDR; Doclights etc.); as well as for White Wolves: Ghost of the Arctic (2018, PBS/WNET, Gulo Film Productions, Morag Loves Company, NDR Naturfilm etc.).


Pathfinder is a coming-of-age story told through the eyes of a climate refugee. Set in the beautiful and treacherous Scandinavian mountains, this documentary follows a young Arctic fox vixen, as she leaves her home behind and ventures thousands of kilometres to find a partner and a future.

The project is a European co-production between Estonia, Sweden and Germany. Pathfinder, currently in production, is jointly produced by Wildkino OÜ (Katri Rannastu), the independent Swedish production company Herdenberg Film AB of Director and filmmaker Carl Herdenberg, and SEETREE GmbH (Claudia Zenkert). To create maximum impact and reach for this unique project, there will be different versions of it to cover a multitude of media outlets: besides the 70’ blue-chip POV drama documentary there will be classic blue-chip wildlife documentary for TV broadcast, additional science documentary, and a complementing educational package.

This extraordinary documentary project - its unique story, teamwork and ambitious production with out-of-the-box mindset - is disclosed and analysed in an extensive case study.
