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The digital culture forum "Digital Culture - Living via Avatars?" will be held in Tallinn, Estonia in the Different Rooms Club on March 16, 2023, from1:30 p.m. to 5:20 p.m. Creative Industry experts from both Estonia and the Nordic countries will discuss if digital tools are useful for the development of culture or do they take work from trained professionals. What are the pros and cons of digitalization?

The event will discuss whether digital technologies can connect art and culture, if it is more of a passing trend, and the pros and cons of digitization. How can the culture, tourism and education sectors benefit from digitization? Do we have enough knowledge and skills to implement digital technologies in the most effective and affordable way possible? Are our experiences in the digital world compared to what we experience in the physical world? How does digital culture help reduce our footprint?

Watch the Forum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efbj9mt5Yxc

According to Grete Kodi, Creative Industry Advisor of the Nordic Council of Ministers Estonian office, the forum aims to raise awareness ofnew digital tools and functions to help entrepreneurs develop their businesses and to discuss the impact of the new trend on the entire creative industry.

EvaLeemet, CEO of Creative Estonia, adds: "Digital solutions have increasingly penetrated our daily lives, but we still do not understand exactly how they will affectour lives. They certainly make many activities more accessible and easier, but each new one brings uncertainty at the beginning - are increasingly developingdigital solutions taking work from creative people?"

PederHaugfos, a media innovator from Norway, will also participate in the forum. According to him, having a clearly recognizable and well-established brand will be even more important in the future, as the impact of artificial intelligence on the creative industries is increasing: " With AI potentially depriving creators of control over their work, high brand recognition can provide a layer of protection and assurance for both creators and consumers."

Creative industry expets from Estonia and the Nordic countries will present their keynotes at the forum: Indrek Ibrus, professor of media innovation, BalticFilm, Media and Arts School (EST), Karlo Funk, audiovisual and digital culture advisor, Estonian Ministry of Culture (EST), Yrjö Ojasaar, founder and managing partner, Venture Capital Fund Change Ventures (EST), Idunn Sem, assistant professor, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Agder (NO), and music entrepreneur andmusician, CEO of Fairmus, Reigo Ahven .

The forumpanellists include:

·       Estoniantheatre director, producer, playwright and restaurateur Peeter Jalakas

·       Norwegianentrepreneur Peder Haugfos who founded the virtual gallery Nifrost

·       Finnish NFTartist and sculptor Erwin Laiho

·       Estonianfashion designer Xenia Joost

·       head of XR, EgleRääsk, Blueray (EST)

·       Virtual Reality creative director and producer Rein Zobel, MaruVR (EST).

The moderator of the forum is Andres Jõesaar, associate professor of MediaPolicies, Baltic Film and Media School (EST)

The forum is organized by Creative Estonia, Creative Europe, the Nordic Council of Ministers office in Estonia, and the Erasmus+ project Creative Digital Transformation.

The aagendthe forum can be found here: https://www.looveesti.ee/en/creative-estonia/projects/digital-culture-living-via-avatars/

To participate in the forum, register here by March 10 at the latest:

You can follow the webstream of the conference here: https://youtube.com/live/Efbj9mt5Yxc?feature=share
