Creative Europe Programme kick-off seminar

Üritused ja sündmused
Toimumisaeg →
June 21, 2021

Under the European Creative Europe programme, a number of calls for proposals have just opened and are opening up in the field of culture and the audiovisual sector. Come and listen to what is new in the program and what rounds and under what conditions are open!

14:00-14:10 Welcome words

14:10-14:30 General directions and priorities of the Creative Europe programme Heili Jõe, Adviser on European Union Affairs at the Ministry of Culture

14:30-16:00 About the MEDIA and Culture sub-programmes in parallel sessions:

MEDIA: Anu Ernits on media opportunities and calls for proposals

Culture: Kristiina Urb about the opportunities and calls for proposals of the culture programme

Register HERE


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